Meanwhile in South Africa …
Another one from the 2014 IPF Raw Worlds.
Ray Williams with a 412.5kg Squat (909 lbs) at 162.40kg bodyweight.
He went 372.5, 397.5, 412.5kg for a new IPF World Record.
Together with a 235kg Bench and 325 Deadlift he got a 972.5kg Total.
Video of just the Squat:
Watch his 432.5kg Squat, 987.5kg Total
Recording of the whole +120kg session
Update: here are all of Ray’s lifts:
Weightlifters can no longer make fun of PLers, it seems – you’re seeing more and more Massive (circa 1000lb!) squats that are done with relatively upright torsos, buried almost ATG. Can’t wait to see Ray get even better!
That was crazy fast!!!
I knew Ray was a force to be reckoned with when I happened to compete with him at a meet last year. No one knew who he was, but anyone could see he had potential with an 800 lb squat in wraps. I didn’t quite imagine he’d be squatting 900 lbs at IPF Worlds, though. Color me impressed!
It is good to see power lifters get 900+ lbs squats more often. It only took 60 years since Paul Anderson did it routinely in the late 50’s. I remember when I was a teen in 1963 seeing photos of Paul Anderson published in Strength & Health magazine performing squats with 900 lbs without breaking a sweat and this was in a studio photo session for an article in the squat. He performed with real weights for the article. He also squatted with 1200 lbs. I wish I had a copy of that magazine but it has been 51 years and S&H ceased publication back in the 90’s so getting a copy if the article with photos is impossible.
Anderson’s squats were great, but most of the ridiculous numbers weren’t done to today’s standards. Most of his squats were more like squat lockouts–his 1200 lb squats certainly were in all the pictures we have. Some examples:×238.jpg
The most I’ve seen him squat with normal powerlifting form in a photo is somewhere in the neighborhood of 700 lbs. It appears here he’s squatting (per side) a 100 lb plate, five 45 lb plates (these are the ancient York Plates my old gym used to have) and some change. So, 695 lbs, plus some change.
Anderson was very, very strong, but powerlifting didn’t even really exist back then, so his squats weren’t done under the same strictures as powerlifters today–simply because those strictures didn’t even exist!
I’d be interested to see how much he’d squat under IPF standards– a lot for sure!
Here’s the pic of the ~700 squat. For some reason it didn’t attach.
Here’s a video of him walking out and squatting several times with the wheels from the first picture
Paul Anderson Training Footage:
Ok, but how heavy were these makeshift devices? Writing 1200 pounds on a bunch of concrete barrels is rather silly (if nobody ever checked it).
The only stats that are certain are his WL achievements. And yes, for some years he was undoubtedly the strongest SHW of his time.
But everything else is much more in the circus tradition of strongmen and cannot be compared to regimented strength sports (not merely strength exercise).
The post was about Ray and not Anderson.
Since this is one of those discussions that goes nowhere, I’ll stop it right here.
Apparently Ray Williams has inspired Malanichev to compete sans wraps after the GPA Worlds 2014. From Wayne Howlett’s Facebook:
[quote]Andrey informed me yesterday that he would like to compete without wraps after Sydney, he just seen a video of an amazing squatter who did 412.5kg in knee sleeves. Andrey said he has done 400kg x 3 reps without wraps or knee sleeves weighing just over 130kg’s when he wasn’t as strong as he is now. He is very excited about another list of squat and total records he can achieve. [/quote]
Awesome news