Let’s watch the Iranian team in the Asian Championships training hall.
Update 11.11.2015: Team Video featuring Bahador Moulaei, Ali Hashemi, Mostafa Rajaei, Ali Miri, Majid Askari and Hossein Tavakoli.
Starting off with Bahador Moulaei Squatting up to an effortless 290kg.
That is crazy power! I wonder how he will lift at the WWC?
A guy with a 260 kg clean and jerk only squats with 290 kg? He is either very efficient or simply never maxes out to his true strength in training.
This is not training. This is a couple of days before competition. So you cannot draw any conclusion about his training from this video.
he has done 360 kg
Does anybody know the reason for the sudden drop in his snatch numbers after 2013? Perhaps injury? I mean, his C&J numbers dropped significantly as well, but in terms of percentages, the loss in snatch is more staggering.
He had a knee surgery