How come Chad Vaughn only has 117 subscribers to his YouTube channel?
In his videos he goes into the details of key weightlifting elements.
So subscribe and tell a friend.
Split Jerk Foot Position baby steps
Jerk Dip Position
High Elbow Strict Press
If I’m allowed to give an opinion, those videos have serious technical flaws; in the catch position on the split jerk, as well as in the dip, Chad positions his upper part of the torso (his shoulders) behind the hips, he lets it to tilt back. In the dip, the back and the glutes need to be quite tight, and your hips (the ass) needs to be pushed back, as when you begin a squat, BUT you should not let your upper part of the torso (shoulders) to go foward nor back; one must go down in a straight line, always keeping the weight over your heels. As for the catch in the split jerk the back must be as well tight, and you must keep a vertical torso, and you may or may not tilt your head foward (ONLY your head). The torso must be as exactly as possible in the middle between the front and the back foot.
I got another question too: What is the point of the upper elbow presses? If you want to reinforce coordination between the dip, the push, the feet displacement and the pull under the bar, and the catch, there are other technical drills to be used (a “teaching progression”: push press, push jerk, split jerk). Also, why one must let the barbell on the fingers? If you want a really good, technical jerk, the barbell must be placed (after the Clean) in the palms. “But I’ve got a 200kg Split Jerk and I leave the weight in my fingers; It’s all about the push!” Yeah, but maybe you could make 205kg if you would leave it on your palms.
Remember, I’m not attacking these videos, I just want to discuss in order to learn.
I agree with most of your statments but Chad’s own technical flaws are due to his club foot. He would have lifted much more in both lifts if balance wasnt an issue but you can imagine it is when you only have half a right foot.
Then, I apologize, for I didn’t know about this; not everybody does (I didn’t), and maybe he should clarify that in his video description (for us, the viewers, to know the reason for what may be seen as a technical flaw, when it’s just a technical particularity). Do you have any more info (or links) where he addresses this issue, as how he managed it into olympic weightlifting? I find it most interesting how this has not (or has it?) affected his spine or other body parts (through muscular compensation).
Thanks for answering.
No need to apologize. I know Chad (not well personaly but he knows Cheryl Haworth, Micharl and Anthony Martin, lifters I’ve been involved in coaching) and have seen him lift thoughout much of his career. He doesn’t address his foot very much, he has chosen not too see it as a limitation. He has clean and jerked 190 at 77 but you can see in most of his jerks his problem is the recovery. Look at these vids closely you will see his right ankle is smaller than the left.