Here is Slovenian gymnast Gregor Saksida with some epic ring strength movements.
Reverse Muscle Up to L-sit Iron Cross, Making it look easy.
(Very) Slow L-Sit Muscle-Up to L Sit Iron Cross press to L Sit
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Here is Slovenian gymnast Gregor Saksida with some epic ring strength movements.
Reverse Muscle Up to L-sit Iron Cross, Making it look easy.
(Very) Slow L-Sit Muscle-Up to L Sit Iron Cross press to L Sit
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I actually think that is Gregor Saksida. 🙂
I was wondering if it was him…
But then i watched his 2010 Ring Routine from Cottbus ( where he looked much younger.
Hey, Gregor – actually it is him (=G.S.). 🙂
He's my gymnastics teacher, and I uploaded two of his videos that were shot after one of our training sessions (purely for the kick of it :)). This was actually nothing special for him; he didn't even warm-up properly before pulling off the two stunts and, as you can clearly see, didn't even break a sweat while doing them. 😀
The guy is as strong as an ox. 😀
That's pretty cool. You are lucky to have a teacher of that caliber. Looking forward to more training videos of him.